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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Water use efficency (WUE) in C3 plants Biosphere 1-3 g CO2 per kg H2O 100671 Nobel, P. S. "Plant ...
CBC (Calvin–Benson Cycle) metabolite and 2PG (2-phosphoglycolate) profiles in different species Plants Table - link nmol/gFW 116901 Arrivault S et al., ...
Energy requirements of mesophyll and bundle sheath cells for ATP and NADPH per CO2 fixed in C4 species Plants Table - link N/A 105626 Lawlor, D. W, Photo...
Fraction of all angiosperms (flowering plants) that are asterids and rosids Plants asterids 41% rosids 24 % 116900 Arrivault S et al., ...
P:N ratio by mass in terrestrial plants at their natural field sites Plants 0.07 to 0.08 Unitless 107192 Karpinets TV, Greenwood DJ...
Percent of total leaf nitrogen contained in Rubisco in C3 plants Plants 20-30 % 101769 Feller, U. et al. Ru...
Percent of the dry matter produced by plants accounted for by rhizodeposition products Plants ≤40 % 110142 J.M. Lynch and J.M. Whipps...
Estimate of energy required in NADP-malic enzyme type C, species (e.g., maize) per CO2 fixed Plants Table - link ATP and NADPH 106670 Ryuzi Kanai and Gerald...
Fraction of total terrestrial plant species that are C4 species Biosphere ~3 % 116891 Arrivault S et al., ...
Photosynthetic efficiency determined at 20°C Plants maize (C4 plant) 6.7: rice (C3 plant) 5.9 mg CO2/mg N/hr 116128 Duursma EK, Boisson MPRM...
ATP concentration in a C4 plant mesophyll cell Corn Zea mays 22-48 nmol/mg chlorophyll 103406 Roeske CA, Chollet R....
Light intensities in the shadowed lower canopy of plants when exposed in sun light to 1500 μmol/m^2/sec Plants 1 to 10 μmol/m^2/sec 107739 Keren N, Berg A, van Kan PJ...
Experimental estimates of flux control coefficients for enzymes in the Calvin–Benson cycle and the pathways of sucrose and starch Plants Table - link N/A 107026 Stitt M, Lunn J, Usadel...
Number of times that C4 carbon fixation (Hatch–Slack pathway) evolved independently Biosphere >65 times 116890 Arrivault S et al., ...
Percent of Rubisco out of total soluble leaf protein Plants in C3 plants ≤50% in C4 plants ~30% % 110003 Feller, Urs et al. R...
Estimated time range of divergence of sorghum and maize Plants 12-15 Mya 105194 Wang X, Gowik U, Tang H...
equilibrium constant of Mg-ATP complex in mesophyll cell of C4 plant Corn Zea mays 15000 Unitless 103413 Hatch M. D., Properties...
Estimated time range of appearance of Aristida grass Plants 14.4-28.8 Mya 105196 Christin PA, Besnard G...
Photosynthetic efficiency Plants 4.6 for C3 plants: 6.0 for C4 plants % 106364 Blankenship RE et al....
Time scales of Photosynthesis: Electron transport chain and ATP synthesis (thylakoid membranes) Plants 1 µsec - 1 millisec µseconds 111150 "Photosynthesis". McGraw-Hill...